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Photoshop CS4: Advanced
Course Code: CT12-481

Fills and overlays
Filling image areas
Gradients and patterns
Layer overlays

Mask channels
Layer masks
Grayscale masks
Clipping masks

Vector paths
Creating vector paths
Editing vector paths
Vector masks
Paths for creative imagery
Creative image effects
Painting effects
Efficient compositing
Vanishing Point
Layer comps
Images for video
Smart Filters

Automating tasks
Creating actions
Organizing actions
Batch processing
Customizing Photoshop

After completing this course, students will know how to:
  • Add colors to the Swatches palette; apply colors to selections and as fill layers; apply patterns and gradients; use the Preset Manager to save presets; and apply colors and gradients by using overlay layer styles.
  • Paint in Quick Mask mode and in an alpha channel to specify a selection; create layer masks to hide layer content; create grayscale masks to partially mask part of an image; and use a clipping mask to conform one layer to the shape of another.
  • Use the path tools and commands to create and edit vector paths; use paths to create vector masks and clipping paths; convert type to paths and wrap type along a path; and use paths to create vector-based artwork.
  • Use painting tools, filters, and blending modes to simulate different media; warp text and layers; group layers and create Smart Objects; edit images by using the Vanishing Point filter; apply Smart Filters and mask Smart Filter effects; and create layer comps.
  • Use the Actions palette to record, play, and edit actions; display actions as buttons and organize actions into action sets; use actions to batch-process images; and customize keyboard shortcuts and menus.
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